How to troubleshoot TurboTax error 65535 ?
There are several errors that the user may encounter when he/she is using TurboTax. These errors may occur due to some of the technical glitches. One such error is the TurboTax error code 65535. This error may occur due to various causes. These causes are mentioned below:
Steps to fix TurboTax error code 65535 in Windows XP and Vista
For troubleshooting this TurboTax error 65535 the user needs to follow several steps.
These steps are enlisted below:
At first, the user needs to check that he/she is
logged in to the Windows XP.
In case there is any backup is running on their
Window XP or Window Vista, then you have to immediately disable it before
moving ahead to the third step.
You need to disable the antivirus programs and
firewall programs.
Now you need to perform the installation,
re-installation, or update the TurboTax software.
Finally, the user needs to make certain to
re-enable the antivirus programs, firewalls, or online backup.
Fix TurboTax error
65535 on Windows 10
You have to click on the option of the taskbar.
Now you have to go to the task manager option.
Now you have searched for the update service.
Click on the end process tab.
Now you have click on the option of details.
You can search for the exe file.
You have to close the taskbar.
Now you need to update or re-install the
TurboTax software.
The above steps will help you t0o fix this TurboTax error 65535. In case you face
any problem you can connect to the tech team. To connect the tech team the user
need to connect to the TurboTax support phone number.
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